Digitizing the Economy


22 April 2014 / 10 July 2017

We have had enough food to feed everyone in the world since 1968. Why starvation exists is a huge problem involving reams of data. To deal with it, we need an accurate publicly-accessible computer model of the supply-side of the system.

Currently, businesses protect access to inventory and cost information for compeitive gain.

It makes rudimentary sense that a company operating without net profit should be able to undercut competition in an equitable market.

This can be solved by simply publishing the data and conglomerating it.

I want to start with a restaurant and focus on the food supply chain — build a computer model of where all the food is and figure out how to end starvation.

I am looking for developers to help with building the software to operate a restarant transparently. I want to use CouchDB to share the data. Essentially it is one huge pool of uniquely identified JSON objects that can be shared between stores without risk of conflict.

To make the interface to the data more palatable I want to develop the application in Ember. There are a few parts that need to be developed:

If you are or know Ember developers, I have bitcoins available to drive this project forward.