Mentor Reading List-- Dr. Connie Hood, HH 310. Mentor Office Level 1 Required Reading 1. Hesse, H. Siddhartha 2. Peck, S. The Road Less Traveled 3. Powell, J. Fully Human, Fully Alive 4. Rogers, C. On Becoming a Person ---. A Way of Being 5. Maslow, A. Toward a Psychology of Being ---. Religions, Values, and Peak Experiences ---. Farther Reaches of Human Nature 6. Cassirer, E. Essay on Man ---. Philosophy of Symbolic Forms. Vol. 2: Mythical Thought 7. Langer, Suzanne. Mind. 4 vols. ---. Philosophy in a New Key 8. Plato. Republic (Cornford ed.). Apology, Crito, Phaedo, Meno 9. Whitehead, A. N. Process and Reality ---. Aims of Education 10. Bronowski, J. Science and Human Nature ---. The Common Sense of Science 11. Ferguson, M. The Aquarian Conspiracy 12. Chardin, T. de. Hymn of the Universe 13. Goethe. Faust I and II 14. Shakespeare. King Lear; Hamlet; Titus Andronicus 15. Cervantes. Don Quixote (Viking Portable ed.) 16. Dante. Divine Comedy 17. Sophocles. Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone 18. Rilke, R.M. Duino Elegies 19. Mann, T. Dr. Faustus 20. White, T. H. The Once and Future King 21. Dostoevski. The Brothers Karamazov 22. Hogg, B. The Tao of Pooh 23. Westley, D. Morality and Its Beyond 24. Thomas, L. The Youngest Science 25. Kohlberg, L. Moral Development 26 Fowler, J. Life Maps ---. Becoming Adult, Becoming Christian 27. Perry, W.G. "Cognitive and Ethical Growth: The Making of Meaning" 28. Basseches, M. Dialectical Thinking and Adult Development 29. Pearson, Carol. The Hero Within. 30. Belensky, et al. Women's Ways of Knowing. 31. Herbert, F. Dune 32. Christie, A. Ten Little Indians Level 2 Required Reading 1. Hofstadter, D. Godel--Escher--Bach ---. Mind's I ---. Metamagical Themes 2. Zukov, G. The Dancing Wu Li Masters 3. Crews, F. C. The Pooh Perplex 4. Bruner, J. In Search of Mind 5. Capra, F. The Tao of Physics 6. Tillich, P. My Search for Absolutes 7. Gardner, H. Frames of Mind 8. Boorstin, D.J. The Discoverers: A History of Man's Search to Know His World and Himself 9. Einstein, A. Ideas and Opinions 10. Stevens, B. Don't Push the River 11. Phillips, J.B. Your God Is Too Small 12. Schumacher, E.F. Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered 13. Jung, C. G. Modern Man in Search of a Soul ---. Psyche and Symbol ---. Man and His Symbols ---. Memories, Dreams, and Reflections 14. Progoff, Ira. At a Journal Workshop ---. The Practice of Process Meditation ---. The Symbolic and the Real ---. Depth Psychology and Modern Man 15. Dass, Ram. Be Here Now ---. Journey of Awakening 16. Aarasteh, A. Reza. Toward Final Personality Integration 17. Wilber, Ken, ed. The Holographic Paradigm and Other Paradoxes 18. Thomas, L. The Lives of a Cell ---. Late Night Thoughts on Listening to Mahler's Ninth Symphony 19. Dyson, F. Disturbing the Universe Level 1 Mentor Ancilla: Movies African Queen (Bogart, Hepburn) Alexander Nevsky (Eisenstein) Amadeus Anne of a Thousand Days Becket Casablanca (Bogart, Huston) Citizen Kane (Wells) Creator Empire of the Sun Fantasia (Disney) Gandhi Hamlet (Olivier) Ivan the Terrible, I and II (Eisenstein) Kim King Lear (Olivier) La Dolce Vita (Fellini) Last Emperor Lord of the Rings (Bakshi) Maltese Falcon (Bogart, Huston) Man for All Seasons Merton (PBS) Mother Theresa of Calcutta (PBS) Never on Sunday (Costagavros) Passage to India Potemkin (Eisenstein) Ran (Kurasawa) Razor's Edge Seventh Seal (Bergman) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Disney) Song of the South (Disney) Star Wars The Trial (Kafka; O. Wells) Throne of Blood (Kurasawa) Tom Brown's School Days Treasure of Sierra Madre (Bogart, Huston) Virgin Spring (Bergman) Level 2 Mentor Ancilla: Art 1. Bosch, H. Garden of Earthly Delights 2. Picasso, P. Nude Descending a Staircase 3. Dali, S. Last Supper 4. Escher. Various works. 5. Michelangelo. Sistine Chapel Ceiling. 6. Leonardo da Vinci. Last Supper, Mona Lisa. Level 2 Mentor Ancilla: Music Bach, J. S. Brandenburg Concerti ---. Partita No. 2 for Unaccompanied Violin ---. Toccata and Fugue in D minor. Bartok, B. Bluebeard's Castle Beethoven, L. Symphonies 9, 5, 3, 6, 7; Concerto No. 5 Brahms. Symphony 4 Copland, Aaron. Appalachian Spring Dowland, J. Lute Songs Dvorak, A. Sym. 9 ("New World") Leoncavallo, R. Pagliacci Leonin and Perotin Organa Mahler, Gustav. Symphony 2 Mozart, W. A. Don Giovanni Puccini, G. Tosca Schubert, F. Quintet in A ("Trout") Stravinsky, I. Firebird Suite ---. Sacre du Printemps Tchaikovsky, . Sym. 5, 6; Violin Con.; Piano Con. Verdi, G. Aida ---. Requiem Wagner, R. Das Ring des Nibelungen ---. Lohengrin