Juxtapositions Pierre Teilhard de Chardin; Hymn of the Universe Without any doubt there is something which links material energy and spiritual energy together and makes them a continuity. In the last resort there must somehow be but one single energy active in the world... Like those translucent materials which can be wholly illumined by a light enclosed within them, the world manifests itself to the christian mystic as bathed in an inward light which brings out its structure, its relief, its depths. This light is not the superficial colouring that a crude hedonism might discern; no is it the violent glare that annihilates objects and blinds the eye; it is the tranquil, mighty radiance born of the synthesis, in Jesus, all the elements of the world. Annie Dillard; Holy the Firm: Each thing in the world is translucent, even the cattle, and moving, cell by cell. I remember this reality. Where has it been? I sail to the crest of the hill as if blown up the slope of a swell. I see, blasted, the bay transfigured below me, the saltwater bay, far down the hill past the road to my house, past the firs and the church and the sheep in the pasture: the bay and the islands on fire and boundless beyond it, catching alight the unraveling sky. Pieces of the sky are falling down, Everything, everything, is whole, and a parcel of everything else. I myself am falling down, slowly, of slowly lifting up. On the bay's stone shore are people among whom I float, real people, gathering of an afternoon, in the cells of whose skin stream thin colored waters in pieces which give back the general flame. Anonymous acid trip: I was on the couch and Lee was at the table across the room. I could see that the table, chairs, Lee's body, the wall, ceiling, windows and all that was outside, light fixture, everything in sight was moving and lit. Everything became moving particles of color and they were interchangeable with each other. The light was inside them, but it was not separated by the particles but one light inside everything. It wasn't bright in the sense of strong, but it was in the sense of intense The color was intense. This is not to say it was what you would consider "bright colors" like red, yellow, etc.. There were beautiful subtle colors, grays, browns, soft colors, as well. They'd be what's called "saturated" color. They created larger areas of colors by joining together in beautiful combinations that blended together. Like, the luminous gray wall was made of blue, yellow, pink, green, gray white particles that shimmered and that's what made the gray wall and made the luminosity. Also, there was a sense of multidimensional linking of particles, like the universe was an unspeakably vast and complex web of these drops (particles) all linked together so that it was one colorful moving shimmering thing. William Blake; The Marriage of Heaven and Hell If the doors of perception were cleansed Everything would appear as it is -- infinite. Walt Whitman; from Song of Myself Dazzling and tremendous how quick the sun-rise would kill me, If I could not now and always send sun-rise out out me. We also ascend dazzling and tremendous as the sun, We found our own O my soul in the calm and cool of daybreak.