VIDEO COMMANDS BF - flashes the screen green GAMMA - gamma correct, 1 is default, less than 1 is brighter more than 1 is darker R_CLEARCOLOR - color of clear sides R_ALIASSTATS - debugging R_DMABUF - ??????? R_DRAWENTITIES 0|1 - draw entities (objects) R_DRAWFLAT - ??????? R_DRAWORDER 0|1 - weird when set to 1 R_DSPEEDS 0|1 - debugging R_EDGECOUNT 0|1 - debugging R_FULLBRIGHT - light amp goggles :) R_GRAPHHEIGHT - height of r_timegraph R_SHOWPOLYS - highlight polygons R_SHOWVERTS - ??????? R_SPEEDS 0|1 - debugging R_TIMEGRAPH 0|1 - some sort of graph showing amount of calculations that are being done R_WAVE 0|1 - underwater mode! SIZEDOWN - shrink the screen SIZEUP - enlarge the screen TIMEREFRESH - spins around and gives you the framerate VID_DESCRIBECURRENTMODE - describes current mode, see video.txt VID_DESCRIBEMODES - lists video modes, see video.txt VID_NUMMODES - counts the number of modes, see video.txt VID_TESTMODE - tests a videomode, see video.txt VID_WAIT - sets video adapter waiting, see video.txt SOUND COMMANDS DECIMATE_SFX - decimate a cached sound, see sound.txt DECIMATE_SFX_SPEED - " DECIMATE_SFX_WIDTH - " GRABEXTSND - ??????? NOSOUND - no sound, see sound.txt NUMCHANNELS - set the number of channels, see sound.txt PLAY - play a sound, see sound.txt PLAYVOL - play a sound with volume, see sound.txt SAVESND - save a sound, see sound.txt SBINFO - sound blaster info, see sound.txt SFX_ASYNCH - enables asynchronous sound? SOUND - some sort of sound control SOUNDINFO - displays info on sound system, see sound.txt SOUNDLIST - list sounds, sound.txt SND_TIMING - displays sound timing info STOPSOUND - disables sound GAMEPLAY COMMANDS BIND - keyboard setup, see readme.txt CL_ANGLESPEEDKEY - ??????? CL_BACKSPEED - speed of backwards movement, see readme.txt CL_FORWARDSPEED - speed of forward movement, see readme.txt CL_MOVESPEEDKEY - ??????? CL_NOLERP - ??????? CL_PITCHSPEED - ??????? CL_ROLLANGLE - CL_SHOWNET - CL_SIDESTEP - speed of strafing, see readme.txt CL_TICRATE - ??????? CL_UPSPEED - upwards movement speed (for flying) CL_YAWSPEED - turning speed COLOR - character color, see readme.txt COLOR CODES 0 = WHITE 1 = BROWN 2 = LIGHT BLUE/GREY 3 = GREEN 4 = RED 5 = GOLD 6 = PINKISH ORANGE 7 = LIGHT BROWN 8 = PURPLE 9 = LIGHT PURPLE 10 = LIGHT GREY 11 = AQUA 12 = BRIGHT YELLOW 13 = BRIGHT BLUE FLY [ON|OFF] - switch on flying mode GOD [ON|OFF] - god mode (swim in lava, yeah) IMPULSE# - get a weapon (as follows) 0 - Nothing for now 1 - Select shotgun 2 - Select supershotgun 3 - Select nailgun 4 - Select chainnailgun 5 - Select grenade launcher 6 - Select rocket launcher 7 - Nothing for now 8 - Nothing for now 9 - Get all weapons and maximal ammo KILL - restart a level LOOKSPRING - centres freelook, see readme.txt MAP - load a level, see readme.txt MOUSE# - assign mouse buttons, see readme.txt NOCLIP [ON|OFF] - no clipping! NOTARGET - toggles auto-target PAUSE - pause the game PAUSEABLE 0|1 - ability to pause the game in multiplayer QUIT - quit RECORD - record a demo RESTART - restarts a level SCREENSHOT - screenshot SENSITIVITY - mouse sensitivity, see readme.txt SV_FRICTION - friction of player SV_GRAVITY - sets gravity SV_MAXSPEED - maximum speed of player SV_NOSTEP 0|1 - if this is on (SV_NOSTEP 1) you cannot walk up stairs SV_STOPSPEED - how much you skid around the plane MODEM/NETWORK COMMANDS <-/+>CTS - sets "clear to send" <-/+>DSR - sets "data set ready" <-/+>CD - sets "carrier detect" 8250 - selects the 8250 uart 16550 - selects the 16550 uart ANSWER - selects answer the phone/server mode BAUD - sets the baud rate to n CONNECT - connect in multiplayer, see network.txt COM# - setup com port, see network.txt DIAL - selects client mode DISABLE - disables com ports ENABLE - enables com ports FRAGLIMIT - number of frags in a network game, see readme.txt HOST_SPEEDS - display the hosts speed HOST_LINEREFRESH - ?????????? HOST_FRAMERATE - sets the speed from 0-0.01 IRQ - sets the com ports interrupt to n KILLSERVER - kills the server and ends the game MESSAGEMODE - send messages in multiplayer NAME - multiplayer name, see readme.txt NET_STATS - some sort of network status ? NET_MESSAGETIMEOUT - ??????? NET_NAKGRACETIME - ??????? NET_PACKETTIMEOUT - ??????? PORT - sets the com ports port address to n RESET - resets the com port SAY - message in multiplayer? SHUTDOWN - sets the modem shutdown string SLIST - server list, see readme.txt STARTUP - sets the modem startup string TEAMPLAY - co-op mode TIMELIMIT - timelimit for multiplayer, see readme.txt MISC. COMMANDS ALIAS - substitutes one command for another CLEAR - clear the console ECHO - echo string onto console (useless) ENTITES - turn on monsters ? EXEC - run a configuration file, see readme.txt PROFILE - displays profiling info SCR_COLORCON - ??? console color ??? SCR_CONSPEED - speed that the console scrolls SCR_SHOWCACHETHRASH - ??????? SCR_XPARCON - ??????? STATUS - displays status abuout the game in progress TOGGLECONSOLE - same as key VERSION - displays build version