bodhisattva: 1) A being committed to the path of awakening 2) A Buddha-to-be 3) an enlightened Buddha-figure who serves all beings. Buddha nature: The luminous pure buddha-like quality inherent in all beings; our true nature. chakras: The psycho-spiritual energy centers found in the human body. deva: An angel or heavenly being. dharma: 1) Ultimate truth, reality, and universal law 2) Buddha's teachings revealing these truths 3) all physical and mental elements 4) our destiny or spiritual path. jhana: States of meditative absorbtion; refined states of consciousness produced by meditative concentration. karma: The universal law of cause and effect; the volition behind each action, which produced favorable or unfavorable effects in the future. kensho: Satori. A powerful moment of awakening or enlightenment. koan: In Zen, a contemplative question or puzzle that cannot be solved with the rational mind. kriyas: Spontaneous movements and sounds that can arise when meditative energy is released in the body. lama: A Tibetan spiritual teacher, master, or sage. maha mudra: 1) Universal awakened consciousness 2) practices that lead to awakening in this universal consciousness. makyo: Illusion, the unreal visions and images that arise during meditation. nirvana: The cessation of suffering, the highest peace, the unconditioned. nondual: The teaching and perception of the fundamental unity or oneness of all things. pseudo-nirvana: An initial rapturous stage of meditation that can be mistaken for nirvana. Rinzai school: A school of Zen, founded by Lin Chi, which uses koans and strong determination to attain deep realization of enlightenment. samadhi: 1) Concentration 2) states of high concentration 3) (Hindu) enlightenment samsara: The beginningless cycles of birth and death; the cycling of all things in the universe. sangha: 1) Spiritual community 2) the ordained community of monks and nuns 3) a community of all those who have attained some degree of awakening. sankaras: 1) Conditioned tendencies of mind and body 2) all created phenomena. satori: Kensho, a powerful moment of awakening or enlightenment. satsang: Spiritual community. shikan-taza: The Zen practice of "just sitting," a meditative presence without any goal. Soto school: Japanese Zen school that emphasizes "just sitting," no goal; awakening to our true nature just now. Sufi: The Islamic mystical tradition. tantra: Buddhist and Hindu tradition of practice that directly transforms the energy of passion and aggression into spiritual awakening. Tao: The universal law, the force of all life, the way of nature. Theraveda Buddhism: The Buddhist tradition of the "Elders"; the school of Buddhism still practiced in India and Southeast Asia today. transpersonal: The spiritual dimensions of human experience; beyond the personal. vipassana: The meditative practice of mindful attention. yoga: Hindu system of meditation; a spiritual practice that can take many forms such as hatha yoga (yoga of the body), raja yoga (yoga of the mind), karma yoga (the yoga of selfless service), etc. yogi: One who undertakes a spiritual discipline or practice.