SEMINARS FOR WOMEN 1. "Are you ready to leave?" -- Definition of the word "yes" 2. Appropriate rhetorical questions (Formerly "Honey, do I look fat?") 3. Elementary Map Reading 4. Crying and law enforcement 5. Advanced Math Seminar -- Program your VCR 6. You can go shopping for less then 4 hours 7. Gaining five pounds v. the end of the world: a study in contrast 8. The Seven-Outfit Week 9. PMS -- It's YOUR Problem, Not Mine (was: It's Happened Monthly Since Puberty -- Deal With It) 10. Driving I: Getting past automatic transmission 11. Driving II: The meaning of blinking red lights 12. Driving III: Approximating a constant speed 13. Driving IV: Makeup and Driving--It's As Simple As Oil and Water 14. The Super Bowl: Not a Game--A Sacrament 15. Telephone Translations (was: "Me too" equals "I Love You") 16. How to Earn Your Own Money 17. Giftgiving Fundamentals (was: Fabric Bad, Electronics Good) 18. Putting the Seat Down By Yourself: Potential Energy is on Your Side 19. Know When to Say When: The Limits of Makeup 20. Beyond "Clean and Dirty": The Nuances of Wearable Laundry 21. We forget birthdays, you forget sports stats: LET'S LET IT DROP 22. MYOB: Proper response to other couple's public arguments 23. Yes, You Can Buy Condoms (was: WE learned to deal with the embarrassment) 24. Joys of the Remote Control: Reaping the Benefits of 50+ Channels 25. What Goes Around Comes Around--Why His Credit Card is Not a Toy 26. The Penis: His Best Friend Can Be Yours 27. His Poker Games: Deal Yourself Out 28. Committment Schmittment (was: Wedlock Schmedlock) 29. "To Honor and Obey": Remembering the small print above "I Do" 30. Why Your Mother Is Unwelcome In The House 31. Your Mate: Selfish Bastard, or Victimized Sensitive Man-child Healing his Father Wound by Expressing the Latent Wild Man Within? 32. Nail Polish and Hair Spray 101 (was: Are you trying to asphyxiate me?) 33. How To Go To The Bathroom By Yourself In A Public Place 34. The Phone, or How To Find The Cradle and Use It 35. Nylons-- Not a Bathroom Decoration Please sign up early. Seats are very limited!!!