
        Clan of Orks!      ¤!ORKS!¤

                 (name pending)

WebSite In Progress!!


(2003-11-18)  Message From Urk!

Hail. The idea of an rp ork clan has been quite popular to date, and there have so far been 5 interesed people. What I was thinking for the next step was to formalize the making of this clan, and put a post out so that people can become aware of our presence. If we can do this, we can probably grow by at least a few members by beta release, and once that happens, I am hoping we can get a beta invite for the clan. If we do that, we basically are promised power in the real game, as we will have experience, and will have met new people. If nobody has any objections, I would like to make a public move within the next week, probably over Thanksgiving break, as I will have more time then. There are a couple things we will have to go over, however, before we are ready to make this move, a few things must be done.

We will need:

  • To mark some time to in one way or another discuss the clan, be it on AIM, irc, or anything else.
  • A website. It need not be a domain, though that would be nice. The upside of a domain is that is hints right there that we are professional, and we can host things on it. The downside is that it costs money. I am willing to make a contribution is nobody else is able, but I'm not sure if it will be enough to get a good webpage up. If sombody knows html and could make it nice, that would be great. If not, I have a rl friend who could probably do the trick.
  • To decide on positions, guild structure, and such. Who will be leader? How will rank work under him? Will there be an inner council? All these things must be discussed.
  • For people to get to know each other. I have two friends coming online soon, that will be the fourth and fifth member to this clan. Once they are signed on, I will send everyone a list of names of clanmates so that you can all keep in touch.
  • To agree on a name, rp lore, rules, and such.

It won't be easy pulling this off, but if we can get through all those steps, the rest is just getting quality members, which is slow, but not incredibly difficult if we have the following things accomplished.

If anyone has any suggestions, I urge you to speak them now, for this is the time when they are best heard, and we can incorporate them into the basis or our clan.

One last thing: If you have any friends who may be interested in a game like this, and don't mind spending a little time on the boards, talk to them about this. Numbers, though not the top priority, are very usefull, especially because the more people you get, the more will want to come, seeing you as a powerful clan.

With that, I say....

