package com.xith.java3d.overlay; import*; import javax.vecmath.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.event.EventListenerList; import java.util.*; /** * A scrolling overlay is built on top of the overlay system. It maintains * optional overlays for the borders of the overlay area and an array of * equal size overlays to represent the lines. This is designed to be fast enough to * support fast scrolling text and implementations like a chat box or debug window. * A single scroll will effectively swap textures on geometry and stream one overlay's * worth of data to the 3d card, so it should be maximally efficient. * * The design of this implementation is to keep an array of overlays one per virtual line from * top to bottom inside the overlay. Because the position swaps (for scrolling) has to happen * within a single behavior to guarentee its transactional status, a single repaint() of the * OverlayScroller must set the re-order for the lines, even though the actual re-order * won't happen until the behavior triggers (on next frame). We also have to handle the * case where several repaints happen between one frame. In order to facilitate this, we keep * an array of double-indirection, mapping overlay-lines to virtual lines, then unwind them * when we commit the transaction to the card. * * So when we first start, or after a commit to the card, you would have a one-to-one mapping * of virutal lines to overlays. If you issue a scroll-up or scroll-down * directive, we just adjust the virtual pointers, mapping the first virtual line to the bottom * overlay and adjusting from there. This means you can do multiple scrolls between frames and * the buffer maintains consistancy. If you want a line repaint and a scroll action to be handled * atomically, then you should call update() on the scroller. This will in-turn lock the * overlay for update and call the paint() method, which you implement. This is a bit different * than the paint method used at the overlay level since you are not given a graphics context. * But from within this method you can call the scroll() and scrollDown() methods and request * a graphics context for any virtual line. You will be writing to the backBuffer of the * individual overlay's so it is safe, also none of the line-overlays will commit until you * exit the paint() method. * * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2000,2001 * Company: Teseract Software, LLP * @author David Yazel * */ public class OverlayScroller implements Overlay, UpdateManager { public static final int BORDER_LEFT = 0; public static final int BORDER_RIGHT = 1; public static final int BORDER_TOP = 2; public static final int BORDER_BOTTOM = 3; private Rectangle bounds; private Insets margin; private int[] relativePosition = {Overlay.PLACE_LEFT, Overlay.PLACE_TOP}; private Dimension offset; // Screen position private boolean visible = true; private Color borderBackgroundColor; private BufferedImage borderBackgroundImage; private int backgroundMode; private boolean antialiased = true; private Canvas3D canvas3D; // title overlays private OverlayBase[] border; private Overlay[] line; // On an update each property is checked to see if it is dirty, // if it is an appropriate update is made private final static int VISIBLE = Integer.parseInt("1", 2); private final static int ORDER = Integer.parseInt("10", 2); private final static int LINE_POSITION = Integer.parseInt("100", 2); private final static int BORDER_POSITION = Integer.parseInt("1000", 2); private final static int BORDER_BACKGROUND_IMAGE = Integer.parseInt("10000", 2); private final static int BORDER_BACKGROUND_COLOR = Integer.parseInt("100000", 2); private final static int BACKGROUND_MODE = Integer.parseInt("1000000", 2); private final static int ANTIALIASED = Integer.parseInt("10000000", 2); private final static int ITEM = Integer.parseInt("100000000", 2); private int dirtyCheck = 0; UpdateManager updateManager; private EventListenerList listeners = new EventListenerList(); // Set of ScrollEventListeners private BranchGroup consoleBranchGroup; // branch group for overlay public OverlayScroller( Canvas3D canvas3D, Overlay[] line, Insets margin ) { this(canvas3D, new Dimension(), null, line, margin); } public OverlayScroller( Canvas3D canvas3D, Dimension offset, Overlay[] line, Insets margin ) { this(canvas3D, offset, null, line, margin); } public OverlayScroller( Canvas3D canvas3D, UpdateManager manager, Overlay[] line, Insets margin ) { this(canvas3D, true, false, new Dimension(), manager, line, margin); } public OverlayScroller( Canvas3D canvas3D, Dimension offset, UpdateManager manager, Overlay[] line, Insets margin ) { this(canvas3D, true, false, offset, manager, line, margin); } public OverlayScroller( Canvas3D canvas3D, boolean clipAlpha, boolean blendAlpha, Dimension offset, UpdateManager manager, Overlay[] line, Insets margin) { this.canvas3D = canvas3D; this.margin = margin; this.line = line; this.offset = offset; canvas3D.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() { public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { dirty(LINE_POSITION | BORDER_POSITION); } }); Dimension internalSize = new Dimension(); for(int i = 0; i < line.length; i++) { internalSize.width = Math.max(internalSize.width, line[i].getBounds().width); internalSize.height += line[i].getBounds().height; } bounds = new Rectangle(offset.width, offset.height, margin.left + internalSize.width + margin.right, + internalSize.height + margin.bottom); Rectangle borderBounds = null; border = new OverlayBase[4]; for(int i = 0; i < border.length; i++) { switch (i) { case BORDER_LEFT: borderBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, margin.left, internalSize.height); break; case BORDER_RIGHT: borderBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, margin.right, internalSize.height); break; case BORDER_TOP: borderBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, bounds.width,; break; case BORDER_BOTTOM: borderBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, bounds.width, margin.bottom); break; } border[i] = new OverlayBase(canvas3D, borderBounds, clipAlpha, blendAlpha); } consoleBranchGroup = new BranchGroup(); if(updateManager == null) { UpdateControlBehavior updateBehavior = new UpdateControlBehavior(this); updateBehavior.setSchedulingBounds(new BoundingSphere()); consoleBranchGroup.addChild(updateBehavior); updateManager = updateBehavior; } for (int i = line.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { consoleBranchGroup.addChild(line[i].getRoot()); line[i].setUpdateManager(this); } for (int i = border.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { consoleBranchGroup.addChild(border[i].getRoot()); border[i].setUpdateManager(this); } initialize(); dirtyCheck = Integer.parseInt("111111111111111111", 2); // Just has to be > 12 // to dirty everything } /** * Implement this to do extra initialization before the node goes live */ public void initialize() { } public Rectangle getBounds() { return bounds; } public Canvas3D getCanvas() { return canvas3D; } public BranchGroup getRoot() { return consoleBranchGroup; } public OverlayBase getBorder(int index) { return border[index]; } public void setAntialiased(boolean antialiased) { if (this.antialiased != antialiased) { this.antialiased = antialiased; dirty(ANTIALIASED); } } public boolean isAntialiased() { return antialiased; } public UpdateManager getUpdateManager() { return updateManager; } public void setUpdateManager(UpdateManager updateManager) { if (this.updateManager != updateManager) { this.updateManager = updateManager; updateManager.updateRequested(); } } public boolean isUpdating() { return updateManager.isUpdating(); } public void setUpdating(boolean updating) { updateManager.setUpdating(updating); } /** * Returns the number of lines */ public int getNumLines() { return line.length; } public Overlay getLine(int index) { synchronized(line) { return line[index]; } } /** * Sets the visibility of the overlay. * * This will be updated in the next frame * * TODO: Make thread safe */ public void setVisible(boolean visible) { if(this.visible != visible) { this.visible = visible; dirty(VISIBLE); } } public boolean isVisible() { return visible; } /** * This will scroll lines starting at startLine the scrollDistance. * If the scroll distance is positive then items will be pushed off * the top if it is negative then they will be pushed off the bottom. * To scroll all the lines up one do scroll(0, 1); To scroll all the * lines down two do scroll(getNumLines() - 1, -2); * * This will be updated in the next frame */ public void scroll(int startLine, int scrollDistance) { int i = 0, j = 0; if(scrollDistance > 0) { Overlay[] holder = new Overlay[scrollDistance]; int max = line.length - 1; for (i = 0; i < scrollDistance; i++) { holder[i] = line[max - i]; } synchronized(line) { for (i = max, j = max - scrollDistance; j >= startLine; i--, j--) { line[i] = line[j]; } for (j = 0; i >= startLine; i--, j++) { line[i] = holder[j]; fireItemScrolled(new ScrollEvent(this, line[i], ScrollEvent.SCROLLED_UP)); } dirty(LINE_POSITION); } } else if(scrollDistance < 0) { scrollDistance *= -1; Overlay[] holder = new Overlay[scrollDistance]; for (i = scrollDistance - 1; i >= 0; i--) { holder[i] = line[i]; } synchronized(line) { for (i = 0, j = scrollDistance; j <= startLine; i++, j++) { line[i] = line[j]; } for (j = 0; i <= startLine; i++, j++) { line[i] = holder[j]; fireItemScrolled(new ScrollEvent(this, line[i], ScrollEvent.SCROLLED_DOWN)); } dirty(LINE_POSITION); } } } /** * Sets the relative position of the overlay on the screen using a 2 dimensional array. * * @param relativePosition[X_PLACEMENT] May be PLACE_LEFT, PLACE_RIGHT, or PLACE_CENTER * @param relativePosition[Y_PLACEMENT] May be PLACE_TOP, PLACE_BOTTOM, or PLACE_CENTER */ public void setRelativePosition(int[] relativePositon) { setRelativePosition(relativePosition[X_PLACEMENT], relativePosition[Y_PLACEMENT]); } /** * This will set the relative position of the scroller elements. * * TODO: Make it work! It needs to change the offsets of the subelements * otherwise they flip over when put on the bottom and mess up * completely in the center. */ public void setRelativePosition(int xType, int yType) { if(relativePosition[Overlay.X_PLACEMENT] != xType || relativePosition[Overlay.Y_PLACEMENT] != yType) { synchronized(relativePosition) { relativePosition[Overlay.X_PLACEMENT] = xType; relativePosition[Overlay.Y_PLACEMENT] = yType; dirty(LINE_POSITION | BORDER_POSITION); } } } /** * Sets the position of the window. * * This will be updated in the next frame */ public void setOffset(Dimension offset) { setOffset(offset.width, offset.height); } /** * Sets the position of the window. * * This will be updated in the next frame */ public void setOffset(int width, int height) { if(offset.height != width || offset.height != height) { synchronized(bounds) { offset.width = width; offset.height = height; dirty(BORDER_POSITION | LINE_POSITION); } } } /** * Sets the border positions according to the current position. */ private void syncBorderPositions() { synchronized(offset) { OverlayUtilities.repositonBounds(bounds, relativePosition, canvas3D.getSize(), offset); Dimension borderOffset = new Dimension(); for(int i = 0; i < border.length; i++) { switch(i) { case BORDER_TOP: borderOffset.width = bounds.x; borderOffset.height = bounds.y; break; case BORDER_BOTTOM: borderOffset.width = bounds.x; borderOffset.height = bounds.y + bounds.height - margin.bottom; break; case BORDER_LEFT: borderOffset.width = bounds.x; borderOffset.height = bounds.y +; break; case BORDER_RIGHT: borderOffset.width = bounds.x + bounds.width - margin.left; borderOffset.height = bounds.y +; break; } border[i].setOffset(borderOffset); } clean(BORDER_POSITION); } } /** * Sets all the lines into position according to the array order. */ private void syncLinePositions() { synchronized(line) { OverlayUtilities.repositonBounds(bounds, relativePosition, canvas3D.getSize(), offset); Dimension currentOffset = new Dimension(bounds.x + margin.left, bounds.y + bounds.height -; for (int i = 0; i < line.length; i++) { currentOffset.height -= line[i].getBounds().height; line[i].setOffset(currentOffset); } clean(LINE_POSITION); } } /** * Sets the visibility of all the overlays. * * TODO: Make thread safe */ private void syncVisible() { for (int i = border.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { border[i].setVisible(visible); } for (int i = line.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { line[i].setVisible(visible); } clean(VISIBLE); } /** * Sets the color on the background. */ private void syncBorderBackgroundColor() { if (borderBackgroundColor != null) { synchronized(borderBackgroundColor) { for(int i = border.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { border[i].setBackgroundColor(borderBackgroundColor); } clean(BORDER_BACKGROUND_COLOR); } } } /** * Sets the image on the background. */ private void syncBorderBackgroundImage() { if (borderBackgroundImage != null) { synchronized(borderBackgroundImage) { for(int i = border.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { border[i].setBackgroundImage(borderBackgroundImage); } clean(BORDER_BACKGROUND_IMAGE); } } } public void dirty(int property) { dirtyCheck |= property; if(updateManager != null) { updateManager.updateRequested(); } else { System.err.println("Null update manager in " + this); } } public void clean(int property) { dirtyCheck &= ~property; } public void updateRequested() { dirty(ITEM); } /** * This will commit any changes that have been made in the overlay. Calling this * from within a behavior guarantees that all changes will happen in one frame. */ public void update() { if ((dirtyCheck & BORDER_POSITION) != 0) { syncBorderPositions(); } if ((dirtyCheck & LINE_POSITION ) != 0) { syncLinePositions(); } if ((dirtyCheck & VISIBLE) != 0) { syncVisible(); } if ((dirtyCheck & BORDER_BACKGROUND_COLOR) != 0) { syncBorderBackgroundColor(); } if ((dirtyCheck & BORDER_BACKGROUND_IMAGE) != 0) { syncBorderBackgroundImage(); } if ((dirtyCheck & ITEM) != 0) { for (int i = line.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { line[i].update(); } for (int i = border.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { border[i].update(); } clean(ITEM); } } public void addScrollEventListener(ScrollEventListener listener) { listeners.add(ScrollEventListener.class, listener); } public void removeScrollEventListener(ScrollEventListener listener) { listeners.remove(ScrollEventListener.class, listener); } public void fireItemScrolled(ScrollEvent e) { Object[] listeners = this.listeners.getListenerList(); for (int i = listeners.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) { if (listeners[i] == ScrollEventListener.class) { ((ScrollEventListener)listeners[i + 1]).itemScrolled(e); } } } }