package com.xith.java3d.overlay; import*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.awt.image.Raster; import java.awt.geom.*; import java.awt.*; /** * A SubOverlay is one of the pieces which displays a portion of the * overlay. This is used internally by Overlay and should not be referenced * directly. * * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2000,2001 * Company: Teseract Software, LLP * @author David Yazel */ class SubOverlay { /** * Represents that a buffer being activated or updated sould be the next * avaiable one. */ public final static int NEXT_BUFFER = -1; BufferedImage[] buffer; ImageComponent2D[] bufferHolder; int numBuffers; int activeBufferIndex = 0; // this is the index of the currently active buffer Texture2D texture; // texture mapped to one double buffer Shape3D shape; // textured quad used to hold geometry OverlayBase overlay; // the owner of this sub-overlay Rectangle space; // The part of the overlay covered by this suboverlay int transferBuffer[]; // used for transferring scan lines from main image to sub-image /** * Creates a double buffered suboverlay for the specified region. */ protected SubOverlay( OverlayBase overlay, Rectangle space ) { this(overlay, space, 2); } /** * Creates the suboverlay for the specified region with the specified number of buffers. */ protected SubOverlay( OverlayBase overlay, Rectangle space, int numBuffers ) { this.overlay = overlay; = space; this.numBuffers = numBuffers; buffer = new BufferedImage[numBuffers]; bufferHolder = new ImageComponent2D[numBuffers]; transferBuffer = new int[space.width]; // create the two buffers boolean hasAlpha = overlay.hasAlphaComponent(); int imageComponentType = (hasAlpha ? ImageComponent2D.FORMAT_RGBA : ImageComponent2D.FORMAT_RGB); Dimension textureSize = new Dimension(OverlayUtilities.smallestPower(space.width), OverlayUtilities.smallestPower(space.height)); for(int i = numBuffers - 1; i >= 0; i--) { buffer[i] = OverlayUtilities.createBufferedImage(textureSize, hasAlpha); bufferHolder[i] = new ImageComponent2D(imageComponentType, buffer[i], true, true); } Appearance appearance = new Appearance(); appearance.setPolygonAttributes(overlay.getPolygonAttributes()); appearance.setRenderingAttributes(overlay.getRenderingAttributes()); appearance.setTextureAttributes(overlay.getTextureAttributes()); appearance.setTransparencyAttributes(overlay.getTransparencyAttributes()); Material material = new Material(); material.setLightingEnable(false); appearance.setMaterial(material); texture = new Texture2D(Texture.BASE_LEVEL, (hasAlpha ? Texture.RGBA : Texture.RGB), textureSize.width, textureSize.height); texture.setBoundaryModeS(Texture.CLAMP); texture.setBoundaryModeT(Texture.CLAMP); texture.setMagFilter(Texture.FASTEST); texture.setMinFilter(Texture.FASTEST); texture.setImage(0, bufferHolder[activeBufferIndex]); texture.setCapability(Texture.ALLOW_IMAGE_WRITE); appearance.setTexture(texture); shape = buildShape(appearance, space); } /** * Simple function to return the smallest power of 2 which * the value can be contained within */ public static int smallestPower( int value ) { int n = 1; while (n < value) { n *= 2; } return n; } /** * Builds a Shape3D with the specified appearanace covering the specified rectangle. */ public static Shape3D buildShape(Appearance appearance, Rectangle space) { Texture texture = appearance.getTexture(); QuadArray planeGeometry = new QuadArray(4, (texture == null ? QuadArray.COORDINATES : QuadArray.COORDINATES | QuadArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_2)); float[] verticies = { space.x + space.width, space.y, 0.0f, space.x + space.width, space.y + space.height, 0.0f, space.x, space.y + space.height, 0.0f, space.x, space.y, 0.0f}; planeGeometry.setCoordinates(0, verticies); if(texture != null) { Point2D.Float textureRatio = new Point2D.Float((float)(space.getWidth() / texture.getWidth()), (float)(space.getHeight() / texture.getHeight())); float[] textureCoordinates = { textureRatio.x, 0.0f, textureRatio.x, textureRatio.y, 0.0f, textureRatio.y, 0.0f, 0.0f}; planeGeometry.setTextureCoordinates(0, 0, textureCoordinates); } Shape3D shape = new Shape3D(); shape.setGeometry(planeGeometry); shape.setAppearance(appearance); return shape; } /** * Draws the portion of fullOverlayImage corresponding to space into the * buffer at bufferIndex. */ public void updateBuffer(BufferedImage fullOverlayImage, int bufferIndex) { /* Ok, I have neve done this sort of thing before so I am going to have to step * through it. The image coming in is the entire overlay. There are two * problems with its current form. A it is too big and B the scan lines are * the reverse of what they need to be. * * So, we are going to read in lines from a subsection of the image and then * write them into the buffer in the opposite order of what they came in. */ Dimension size = new Dimension(fullOverlayImage.getWidth(), fullOverlayImage.getHeight()); if(bufferIndex == NEXT_BUFFER) { bufferIndex = getNextBufferIndex(); } synchronized(buffer[bufferIndex]) { // For each line in the output buffer for (int scanLine = 0; scanLine < space.height; scanLine++) { // Copy the appropriate line out of the buffer fullOverlayImage.getRGB(space.x, size.height - space.y - space.height + scanLine, transferBuffer.length, 1, transferBuffer, 0, size.width); // Put the line into the output buffer[bufferIndex].setRGB(0, space.height - scanLine - 1, transferBuffer.length, 1, transferBuffer, 0, size.width); } } } /** * Returns the index of the next buffer in line to be painted */ public int getNextBufferIndex() { return (activeBufferIndex + 1) % numBuffers; } /** * This will change the buffer being displayed. It does not write anything, * only switched the image so it must be used carefully. It is intended for * use where more than one buffer has been prepped ahead of time. If you * do this without having the buffers preprepped then you will get strange * things. */ public void setActiveBufferIndex(int activeBufferIndex) { if(activeBufferIndex == NEXT_BUFFER) { activeBufferIndex = getNextBufferIndex(); } if(this.activeBufferIndex != activeBufferIndex) { this.activeBufferIndex = activeBufferIndex; texture.setImage(0, bufferHolder[activeBufferIndex]); } } /** * Return the shape */ public Shape3D getShape() { return shape; } }