package org.himinbi.dataset; import*; import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.geom.*; /** * This is a class responsible for managing datasets used in a program. * * @author Will Holcomb */ public class DataSetManager { BranchDataSet files = new BranchDataSet("Files"); public static boolean debug = false; /** * filename#column_name */ public OneDimensionalDataSet getDataSet(String dataset) { int index = dataset.indexOf('#'); OneDimensionalDataSet node = null; if (index >= 0) { File file = new File(dataset.substring(0, index)); String column = dataset.substring(index + 1); TreeModelDataSet parent = files.getNode(file.getAbsolutePath()); if(parent == null) { try { parent = parseFile(file); files.addChild(parent); } catch(IOException e) { } } if(parent != null) { node = (LeafDataSet)parent.getNode(column); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No # in: " + dataset); } return node; } final static Character obChar = new Character('['); final static Character cbChar = new Character(']'); final static Character opChar = new Character('('); final static Character cpChar = new Character(')'); public static BranchDataSet parseFile(File file) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); StreamTokenizer stream = new StreamTokenizer(reader); stream.resetSyntax(); /* This took an ascii table and cannot be unicode compliant, but until * I write a new stream tokenizer it is better than nothing: * What I want not to go into words are: * 1. Space characters: ' ', '\n', '\t' * 2. Parenthesis: () (These are used as grouping symbols) * 3. Brackets: [] (These are used to deliniate units) * 4. Quote character: " (This is used to deliniate strings) * * < 32 are control characters, ' ' is 32, '"' is 34, * '(' is 40, ')' is 41, * '[' is 91, ']' is 93, * '~' is 176 */ stream.wordChars((int)' ' + 1, (int)'"' - 1); stream.wordChars((int)'"' + 1, (int)'(' - 1); stream.wordChars((int)')' + 1, (int)'[' - 1); stream.wordChars((int)'[' + 1, (int)']' - 1); stream.wordChars((int)']' + 1, (int)'~'); stream.quoteChar('"'); Stack groupingSymbols = new Stack(); Vector leaves = new Vector(); BranchDataSet root = new BranchDataSet(file.getAbsolutePath()); String name = null; String units = null; int bktCount = 0; int prnCount = 0; while(stream.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL) { stream.nextToken(); switch(stream.ttype) { case '"': case StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD: /* A word is either a name or units, depending on whether the previous * character was a space or a [. The state is maintained such that * name will be null any time that a new entry is being started. */ if(name == null) { name = stream.sval; } else { units = stream.sval; } break; case '[': if(name == null) { name = new String(); } groupingSymbols.push(obChar); break; case ']': if(groupingSymbols.empty()) { System.err.println("Mismatched brackets in header; stack empty"); } else if(!(groupingSymbols.peek() == obChar)) { System.err.println("Mismatched brackets in header;" + " expected: " + obChar + " and got " + groupingSymbols.pop()); } else { groupingSymbols.pop(); } break; case '(': groupingSymbols.push(opChar); BranchDataSet branch = new BranchDataSet(name, units, root); root.addChild(branch); root = branch; name = null; units = null; break; case ')': if(groupingSymbols.empty()) { System.err.println("Mismatched parenthesis in header; stack empty"); } else if(!(groupingSymbols.peek() == opChar)) { System.err.println("Mismatched parenthesis in header;" + " expected: " + opChar + " and got " + groupingSymbols.pop()); } else { groupingSymbols.pop(); LeafDataSet leaf = new LeafDataSet(name, units, root); root.addChild(leaf); leaves.add(leaf); name = null; units = null; root = (BranchDataSet)root.getParent(); } break; case ' ': case '\n': case '\t': case '\r': if(name != null) { LeafDataSet leaf = new LeafDataSet(name, units, root); root.addChild(leaf); leaves.add(leaf); name = null; units = null; } break; case StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER: System.err.println("Got a number in header parse. Why?"); break; default: System.err.println("Unexpected token type in header: " + stream.ttype + ":" + (char)stream.ttype); } } while(!groupingSymbols.empty()) { System.err.println("Mismatched grouping symbols: reamining: " + groupingSymbols.pop()); } //stream.parseNumbers(); int index = 0; while(stream.nextToken() != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) { switch(stream.ttype) { case StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL: index = 0; break; case StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER: // This should not be reached. The existing stream parser doesn't support // xEy format numbers so parseNumbers is not turned on ((LeafDataSet)leaves.elementAt(index++)).addPoint(stream.nval); break; case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': break; case '"': case StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD: try { ((LeafDataSet)leaves.elementAt(index++)).addPoint(new Double(stream.sval)); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { System.err.println("Bad number at index " + index + " on line " + stream.lineno() + ": " + stream.sval); } break; default: System.err.println("Unknown token type in data parse: " + stream.ttype + ":" + (char)stream.ttype); } } reader.close(); return root; } /** * Transforms each point in the dataset by a constant factor. Exe. to convert a * dataset in degrees to radians dataset.transform(Math.PI / 180); */ public static LeafDataSet transform(OneDimensionalDataSet data, double factor) { LeafDataSet outputData = new LeafDataSet(data.toString() + " transformed by " + factor); for(int i = 0; i < data.getRowCount(); i++) { outputData.addPoint(data.getValue(i) * factor); } return outputData; } public static Shape transformPath(GeneralPath path, Rectangle2D pathDataSpace, Rectangle2D viewDataSpace, Rectangle2D viewCanvasSpace) { Rectangle2D pathCanvasSpace = path.getBounds(); /* There are two transformations that have to be applied. The path has to * be both the correct size and the correct position. So there is a * translation and a scale. * To ease some computations we will make up a new unit type called graph * units. Already we have a data space which is what the user sees as * the data that is being displayed on the graph. Also we already have * canvas units which is the actual number of pixels that the path is * going to be drawn on. * Graph units are the number of pixels that each data unit covers. * For instance if the user sees a viewport from 25-150 on the x-axis * and 0-300 on the y-axis, and then the actual canvas is 550x200: * The graph units for the x-axis is 550 / (150 - 25) = 4.4 and the * graph units for the y-axis is 200 / (300 - 0) = .66. * This same ratio exists for the path which has a data range and an * actual pixel range and it is found in the same way. */ double viewGraphXUnits = viewCanvasSpace.getWidth() / viewDataSpace.getWidth(); double viewGraphYUnits = viewCanvasSpace.getHeight() / viewDataSpace.getHeight(); double pathGraphXUnits = pathCanvasSpace.getWidth() / pathDataSpace.getWidth(); double pathGraphYUnits = pathCanvasSpace.getHeight() / pathDataSpace.getHeight(); if(debug) { System.out.println(" Graph Units:"); System.out.println(" View: " + "[" + viewCanvasSpace.getWidth() + ", " + viewCanvasSpace.getHeight() + "] / " + "(" + viewDataSpace.getWidth() + ", " + viewDataSpace.getHeight() + ") -> " + "{" + viewGraphXUnits + ", " + viewGraphYUnits + "}"); System.out.println(" Path: " + "[" + pathCanvasSpace.getWidth() + ", " + pathCanvasSpace.getHeight() + "] / " + "(" + pathDataSpace.getWidth() + ", " + pathDataSpace.getHeight() + ") -> " + "{" + pathGraphXUnits + ", " + pathGraphYUnits + "}"); } AffineTransform pathToGraph = new AffineTransform(); /* The first transformation of the path to its proper place in * the graph. This transformation needs to place the path so that * the upper left hand corner is in the correct place in the view. * (Because scale transformations move relative to that point.) * */ double xOffset = pathDataSpace.getX() - viewDataSpace.getX(); double yOffset = ((viewDataSpace.getY() + viewDataSpace.getHeight()) - (pathDataSpace.getY() + pathDataSpace.getHeight())); if(debug) { System.out.println(" Translating: " + "[" + viewDataSpace.getX() + ", " + viewDataSpace.getY() + "]" + "[" + (viewDataSpace.getX() + viewDataSpace.getWidth()) + "{" + viewGraphXUnits + ", " + viewGraphYUnits + "}"); System.out.println(" Path: " + "[" + pathCanvasSpace.getWidth() + ", " + pathCanvasSpace.getHeight() + "] / " + "(" + pathDataSpace.getWidth() + ", " + pathDataSpace.getHeight() + ") -> " + "{" + pathGraphXUnits + ", " + pathGraphYUnits + "}"); } pathToGraph.translate(viewCanvasSpace.getX() + xOffset * viewGraphXUnits, viewCanvasSpace.getY() + yOffset * viewGraphYUnits); /* The scaling transform is just the relationship of the units for * the viewport to the same quantity for the path. */ pathToGraph.scale(viewGraphXUnits / pathGraphXUnits, viewGraphYUnits / pathGraphYUnits); if(debug) { System.out.println(" Scaling: " + "[" + pathToGraph.getScaleX() + ", " + pathToGraph.getScaleY() + "]"); } return path.createTransformedShape(pathToGraph); } public static GeneralPath createPath(OneDimensionalDataSet xAxis, OneDimensionalDataSet yAxis) { return createPath(xAxis, yAxis, new Dimension(1000, 1000)); } public static GeneralPath createPath(OneDimensionalDataSet xAxis, OneDimensionalDataSet yAxis, Dimension graphSize) { int xCount = xAxis.getRowCount(); int yCount = yAxis.getRowCount(); int stepCount = Math.min(xCount, yCount); double xMin = xAxis.getMin(); double yMin = yAxis.getMin(); double xMax = xAxis.getMax(); double yMax = yAxis.getMax(); double xExtent = xMax - xMin; double yExtent = yMax - yMin; GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(); for(int i = 0; i < stepCount; i++) { double percent = (double)i / stepCount; float xPos = (float)(graphSize.width * (xAxis.getValue((int)(percent * xCount)) - xMin) / xExtent); float yPos = (float)(graphSize.height * (yMax - yAxis.getValue((int)(percent * yCount))) / yExtent); if(i == 0) { path.moveTo(xPos, yPos); } else { path.lineTo(xPos, yPos); } } return path; } }