package; import*; import java.util.*; import java.awt.Dimension; //Logging classes used in debugging. Commented out for alpha release. //import org.apache.log4j.*; import*; import*; import*; import*; import; public class MovieMaker implements Runnable, ControllerListener, DataSinkListener { DataSource source; MediaLocator out; Thread me; boolean recording = false; //static Category cat = Category.getInstance("MovieMaker"); Processor processor; ContentDescriptor outputContentDescriptor = new ContentDescriptor(FileTypeDescriptor.QUICKTIME); { //cat.debug("MovieMaker created:"); } public MovieMaker() { this(null, null); } public MovieMaker(DataSource source) { this(source, null); } public MovieMaker(DataSource source, MediaLocator out) { setDataSource(source); setOutputLocator(out); } public void setDataSource(DataSource source) { if(recording) { //cat.error("Set source while running"); } this.source = source; } public void setOutputLocator(MediaLocator out) { if(recording) { //cat.error("Set output while running"); } this.out = out; } public void start() { setRecording(true); } public void stop() { setRecording(false); } public void setRecording(boolean recording) { if(recording) { if(this.recording) { //cat.error("Started while running"); } synchronized(this) { if(me == null || !me.isAlive()) { me = new Thread(this); me.start(); } } } else if(processor != null && processor.getState() == Processor.Started) { processor.stop(); processor.close(); } this.recording = recording; } public boolean isRecording() { return recording; } public void run() { try { source.connect(); } catch(IOException e) { throw new Error("Could not connect source"); } try { processor = Manager.createProcessor(source); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Error("Could not create processor"); } //cat.debug("Created processor for the data source"); processor.addControllerListener(this); processor.configure(); if(!waitForState(processor, Processor.Configured)) { throw new Error("Failed to configure the processor"); } //cat.debug("Processor configured"); processor.setContentDescriptor(outputContentDescriptor); processor.realize(); if(!waitForState(processor, processor.Realized)) { throw new Error("Failed to realize the processor"); } //cat.debug("Processor realized"); DataSink dsink; try { dsink = Manager.createDataSink(processor.getDataOutput(), out); } catch(NoDataSinkException e) { throw new Error("Failed to create a DataSink for: " + out); } //cat.debug("Created datasink for: " + out); try {; } catch(IOException e) { throw new Error("IOException opening data sink"); } //cat.debug("Datasink opened"); dsink.addDataSinkListener(this); try { dsink.start(); processor.start(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Error("IO error during processing"); } //cat.debug("Processor and data sink started"); waitForDataSinkDone(); try { dsink.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } processor.removeControllerListener(this); //cat.debug("Done processing"); recording = false; } Object processorSync = new Object(); boolean processorDone = false; boolean processorSuccess = true; /** * Block until the processor has transitioned to the given state. * Return false if the transition failed. */ boolean waitForState(Processor processor, int state) { processorDone = false; synchronized(processorSync) { try { while(processor.getState() < state && !processorDone) { processorSync.wait(); } } catch(InterruptedException e) { } } return processorSuccess; } public void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent evt) { //cat.debug("Recieved controller update: " + evt); synchronized(processorSync) { if(evt instanceof ConfigureCompleteEvent || evt instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent || evt instanceof PrefetchCompleteEvent) { processorDone = true; processorSuccess = true; } else if(evt instanceof ResourceUnavailableEvent) { processorDone = true; processorSuccess = false; } else if(evt instanceof EndOfMediaEvent) { evt.getSourceController().stop(); evt.getSourceController().close(); } processorSync.notifyAll(); } } Object dataSinkSync = new Object(); boolean dataSinkDone = false; boolean dataSinkSuccess = true; /** * Block until file writing is done. */ boolean waitForDataSinkDone() { dataSinkDone = false; synchronized(dataSinkSync) { try { while(!dataSinkDone) { dataSinkSync.wait(); } } catch(InterruptedException e) { } } return dataSinkSuccess; } /** * Event handler for the file writer. */ public void dataSinkUpdate(DataSinkEvent evt) { //cat.debug("DataSink event recieved: " + evt); synchronized(dataSinkSync) { if(evt instanceof EndOfStreamEvent) { dataSinkDone = true; dataSinkSuccess = true; } else if(evt instanceof DataSinkErrorEvent) { dataSinkDone = true; dataSinkSuccess = false; } dataSinkSync.notifyAll(); } } }