package org.himinbi.parser; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.himinbi.tokenizer.Token; import org.himinbi.tokenizer.TokenStream; /** * Recursive descent parser to generate ebnf grammar */ public class GrammarGenerator { /** * Log4j logging category */ static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(GrammarGenerator.class); TokenStream tokens; Stack elementMemory = new Stack(); Stack memoryMemory = new Stack(); Grammar grammar; public synchronized Grammar generateGrammar(TokenStream tokens) { this.tokens = tokens; grammar = new BasicGrammar(); ebnf(); return grammar; } /** * ebnf = rule+; */ protected void ebnf() { while(tokens.hasNext()) { rule(); } } /** * rule = 'nonterminal', '=', element list?, ';'; */ protected void rule() { Token nextToken = tokens.nextToken(); if(!nextToken.getType().equals(Element.NONTERMINAL_TYPE)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expecting " + Element.NONTERMINAL_TYPE + " got " + nextToken); } Rule currentRule = new Rule(new Element(Element.NONTERMINAL_TYPE, nextToken.getValue())); nextToken = tokens.nextToken(); if(!nextToken.getType().equals("=")) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expecting = got " + nextToken); } ArrayList elements = new ArrayList(); if(!tokens.nextTokenType().equals(";")) { elementList(); } else { elementMemory.push(Element.EMPTY_TERMINAL); } currentRule.setExpansion(elementMemory); elementMemory = new Stack(); nextToken = tokens.nextToken(); if(!nextToken.getType().equals(";")) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expecting ; got " + nextToken); } grammar.addRule(currentRule); if(grammar.getStartSymbol() == null) { // The start symbol is the nonterminal starting the first rule grammar.setStartSymbol(currentRule.getProduct()); } } /** * element list = element, (',' | '|', element)*; */ protected void elementList() { boolean done = false; List orList = new ArrayList(); while(!done) { element(); String nextTokenType = tokens.nextTokenType(); // An option marker means the last generated element // is part of an or group if(nextTokenType.equals("|")) { orList.add(elementMemory.pop()); log.debug("Added to options: " + orList.get(orList.size() - 1)); } // If it is not then check to see if any have been // collected already. If so then the last element // generated is the last one in that group else { if(orList.size() > 0) { orList.add(elementMemory.pop()); log.debug("Finishing options: " + orList.get(orList.size() - 1)); elementMemory.push(grammar.addOr(orList)); orList.clear(); } } // The next token is a separator if(nextTokenType.equals(",") || nextTokenType.equals("|")) { // eat the token tokens.nextToken(); } // The list is done else { done = true; } } } /** * element = token, repetition?; */ protected void element() { token(); String nextTokenType = tokens.nextTokenType(); if(nextTokenType.equals("{") || nextTokenType.equals("*") || nextTokenType.equals("+") || nextTokenType.equals("?")) { repetition(); } } /** * token = ('terminal' | 'nonterminal' | group); */ protected void token() { String nextTokenType = tokens.nextTokenType(); if(nextTokenType.equals(Element.TERMINAL_TYPE)) { elementMemory.push(new Element(Element.TERMINAL_TYPE, tokens.nextToken().getValue())); } else if(nextTokenType.equals(Element.NONTERMINAL_TYPE)) { elementMemory.push(new Element(Element.NONTERMINAL_TYPE, tokens.nextToken().getValue())); } else { group(); } } /** * group = '(', element list, ')'; */ protected void group() { /* A group is added as a single anonymous nonterminal in * the current production */ Token nextToken = tokens.nextToken(); if(!nextToken.getType().equals("(")) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expecting: ( got " + nextToken); } memoryMemory.push(elementMemory); elementMemory = new Stack(); elementList(); Element group = grammar.addGroup(elementMemory); elementMemory = (Stack)memoryMemory.pop(); elementMemory.push(group); nextToken = tokens.nextToken(); if(!nextToken.getType().equals(")")) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expecting: ) got " + nextToken); } } /*( * (* {m, n} means repeated at least m times, but not more tham n (n >= m) * * {m} means repeated at least m times with no upper limit * * ? is the same as {0, 1} * * * is the same as {0} * * + is the same as {1} * *) * repetition = '{', 'integer'?, (',', 'integer')?, '}'; * repetition = '?' | '*' | '+'; */ protected void repetition() { int min = 0; int max = Integer.MAX_VALUE; Token nextToken = tokens.nextToken(); if(nextToken.getType().equals("*")) { // defaults } else if(nextToken.getType().equals("+")) { min = 1; } else if(nextToken.getType().equals("?")) { max = 1; } else if(nextToken.getType().equals("{")) { nextToken = tokens.nextToken(); if(nextToken.getType().equals("integer")) { min = Integer.parseInt(nextToken.getValue()); nextToken = tokens.nextToken(); } if(nextToken.getType().equals(",")) { nextToken = tokens.nextToken(); } if(nextToken.getType().equals("integer")) { max = Integer.parseInt(nextToken.getValue()); nextToken = tokens.nextToken(); } if(!nextToken.getType().equals("}")) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected } got " + nextToken); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected repetition got " + nextToken); } elementMemory.push(grammar.addRepetition((Element)elementMemory.pop(), min, max)); } }