package org.himinbi.xcel; /* import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.text.DateFormat; import javax.sql.DataSource; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import com.codestudio.sql.PoolMan; import com.codestudio.util.JDBCPool; import com.codestudio.util.SQLManager; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import org.apache.velocity.Template; import org.apache.velocity.context.Context; import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext; import org.apache.velocity.servlet.VelocityServlet; import; import org.apache.velocity.exception.ResourceNotFoundException; import org.apache.velocity.exception.ParseErrorException; */ /** * Servlet to manage a set of text resources */ public class ResourceManagerServlet { // DataSource dataSource; // String databaseName = "dictionary"; // HashMap validators = new HashMap(); // public void init() throws ServletException { // try { // dataSource = PoolMan.findDataSource(databaseName); // } catch(SQLException e) { // throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage()); // } // /** // * This is a list of resourcetypes and the associated // * servlet resources for validating them. // */ // validators.put("xcel", "/dictionarycheck"); // validators.put("grammar", "/grammarcheck"); // validators.put("actions", "/actioncheck"); // } // public Template handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, // HttpServletResponse response, // Context context) // throws IOException, ServletException { // Stack errors = new Stack(); // context.put("errors", errors); // String resourceID = request.getParameter("resource_id"); // String resourceType = request.getParameter("resource_type"); // /** // * If the page has parameters there are four options: // * 1. Save the text as a project (action = "Save Resource") // * 2. Proceed to the validator (action = "Use Resource") // * 3. Delete a project (action = "delete" and resource_id != null) // * 4. Load a project (resource_id != null) // * // * Otherwise list the available projects. Either of a specific type // * (resource_type != null) or all types. // */ // String action = request.getParameter("action"); // if("Use Resource".equals(action)) { // forwardToValidator(request, response, errors); // if(errors.size() == 0) { // return null; // } // } else if("Save Resource".equals(action)) { // String[] args = { "name", // "description", // "text" }; // String[] values = new String[args.length]; // for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { // values[i] = request.getParameter(args[i]); // context.put(args[i], values[i]); // } // if(resourceID == null) { // resourceID = addResource(values[0], values[1], values[2], // resourceType, errors); // } else { // overwriteResource(resourceID, // values[0], values[1], values[2], // errors); // } // } else if("delete".equals(action)) { // deleteResource(resourceID, errors); // resourceID = null; // } else if(resourceID != null) { // loadResource(resourceID, context, errors); // } // context.put("resource_id", resourceID); // Collection resources = // listResources(resourceType, errors); // if(resources.size() > 0) { // context.put("resources", resources); // } // if(resourceType == null) { // context.put("resource_types", listResourceTypes(errors)); // } else { // context.put("resource_type", resourceType); // } // String templateName = "resources.vm"; // Template template = null; // try { // template = getTemplate(templateName); // } catch(ParseErrorException pee) { // System.out.println("Parse error for template: " + pee); // } catch(ResourceNotFoundException rnfe) { // System.out.println("Template not found: " + rnfe); // } catch(Exception e) { // System.out.println("Error: " + e); // } // return template; // } // protected void forwardToValidator(HttpServletRequest request, // HttpServletResponse response, // Stack errors) { // String resourceType = request.getParameter("resource_type"); // String validator = (String)validators.get(resourceType); // HttpSession session = request.getSession(); // session.setAttribute("resource", // request.getParameter("text")); // RequestDispatcher dispatcher = // getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(validator); // if(dispatcher != null) { // try { // dispatcher.forward(request, response); // } catch(Exception e) { // errors.push("Error forwarding: " + e); // } // } else { // errors.push("Unable to get dispatcher for " + validator); // } // } // protected String addResource(String name, // String description, // String text, // String resourceType, // Stack errors) { // int resourceTypeID = getResourceTypeID(resourceType, errors); // if(resourceTypeID < 0) { // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Resource type not set"); // } // Connection connection = null; // PreparedStatement statement = null; // ResultSet results = null; // String resourceID = null; // try { // connection = dataSource.getConnection(); // statement = // connection.prepareStatement // ("insert into projects (name, description, text, resource_type) " + // "values (?, ?, ?, ?)"); // String[] args = { name, description, text }; // for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { // if(args[i].length() == 0) { // args[i] = null; // } // statement.setString(i + 1, args[i]); // } // statement.setInt(4, resourceTypeID); // statement.executeUpdate(); // statement.close(); // /** // * There is a race condition here and this should // * be replaced with the proper code using the // * jdbc 3.0 api when drivers are avaialable // */ // statement = // connection.prepareStatement // ("select id from projects " + // "where name=? order by id desc"); // statement.setString(1, name); // results = statement.executeQuery(); //; // resourceID = results.getString(1); // } catch(SQLException sqle) { // errors.push("SQL Error adding project: " + sqle); // } finally { // JDBCPool.closeResources(connection, statement, results); // } // return resourceID; // } // protected void overwriteResource(String resourceID, // String name, // String description, // String text, // Stack errors) { // Connection connection = null; // PreparedStatement statement = null; // ResultSet results = null; // try { // connection = dataSource.getConnection(); // statement = // connection.prepareStatement // ("update projects " + // "set name=?, description=?, text=? " + // "where id=?"); // String[] args = { name, description, text, resourceID }; // for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { // if(args[i].length() == 0) { // args[i] = null; // } // statement.setString(i + 1, args[i]); // } // statement.executeUpdate(); // } catch(SQLException sqle) { // errors.push("SQL Error adding project: " + sqle); // } finally { // JDBCPool.closeResources(connection, statement, results); // } // } // protected void deleteResource(String resourceID, Stack errors) { // Connection connection = null; // PreparedStatement statement = null; // ResultSet results = null; // try { // connection = dataSource.getConnection(); // statement = // connection.prepareStatement // ("delete from projects " + // "where id=?"); // statement.setString(1, resourceID); // statement.executeUpdate(); // } catch(SQLException sqle) { // errors.push("SQL Error removing project: " + sqle); // } finally { // JDBCPool.closeResources(connection, statement, results); // } // } // protected void loadResource(String resourceID, // Context context, // Stack errors) { // Connection connection = null; // PreparedStatement statement = null; // ResultSet results = null; // try { // connection = dataSource.getConnection(); // statement = // connection.prepareStatement // ("select, projects.description, " + // "projects.text, " + // "from projects, resource_types " + // "where = ? " + // "and projects.resource_type ="); // statement.setString(1, resourceID); // results = statement.executeQuery(); // if(! { // errors.push("Error: no projects found for id: " + resourceID); // } else { // context.put("name", results.getString(1)); // context.put("description", results.getString(2)); // context.put("text", results.getString(3)); // context.put("resource_type", results.getString(4)); // } // } catch(SQLException sqle) { // errors.push("SQL Error retrieving project: " + sqle); // } finally { // JDBCPool.closeResources(connection, statement, results); // } // } // protected Collection listResources(String resourceType, // Stack errors) { // Vector resources = new Vector(); // boolean resourcePresent = resourceType != null && resourceType.length() > 0; // Connection connection = null; // PreparedStatement statement = null; // ResultSet results = null; // try { // StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); // sql.append("select, projects.entry_time, "); // sql.append(", projects.description, "); // sql.append("from projects, resource_types "); // sql.append("where projects.resource_type = "); // if(resourcePresent) { // sql.append("and = ? "); // } // sql.append("order by id desc"); // connection = dataSource.getConnection(); // statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); // if(resourcePresent) { // statement.setString(1, resourceType); // } // results = statement.executeQuery(); // while( { // HashMap project = new HashMap(4); // project.put("id", results.getString(1)); // project.put("creationTime", results.getDate(2)); // project.put("name", results.getString(3)); // project.put("description", results.getString(4)); // project.put("type", results.getString(5)); // String query = "resource_id=" + project.get("id"); // if(resourcePresent) { // query += "&resource_type=" + resourceType; // } // project.put("query", query); // resources.add(project); // } // } catch(SQLException sqle) { // errors.push("SQL Error retrieving projects: " + sqle); // } finally { // JDBCPool.closeResources(connection, statement, results); // } // return resources; // } // protected Collection listResourceTypes(Stack errors) { // Vector resourceTypes = new Vector(); // Connection connection = null; // PreparedStatement statement = null; // ResultSet results = null; // try { // connection = dataSource.getConnection(); // statement = // connection.prepareStatement // ("select id, name from resource_types"); // results = statement.executeQuery(); // while( { // resourceTypes.add(results.getString(2));; // } // } catch(SQLException sqle) { // errors.push("SQL Error retrieving types: " + sqle); // } finally { // JDBCPool.closeResources(connection, statement, results); // } // return resourceTypes; // } // protected int getResourceTypeID(String resourceTypeName, // Stack errors) { // int id = -1; // Connection connection = null; // PreparedStatement statement = null; // ResultSet results = null; // try { // connection = dataSource.getConnection(); // statement = // connection.prepareStatement // ("select id from resource_types " + // "where name = ?"); // statement.setString(1, resourceTypeName); // results = statement.executeQuery(); // if( { // id = results.getInt(1); // } // } catch(SQLException sqle) { // errors.push("SQL Error retrieving type id: " + sqle); // } finally { // JDBCPool.closeResources(connection, statement, results); // } // return id; // } // protected String getResourceTypeName(String resourceType, // Stack errors) { // String name = null; // Connection connection = null; // PreparedStatement statement = null; // ResultSet results = null; // try { // connection = dataSource.getConnection(); // statement = // connection.prepareStatement // ("select name from resource_types " + // "where id = ?"); // statement.setString(1, resourceType); // results = statement.executeQuery(); // if( { // name = results.getString(1); // } // } catch(SQLException sqle) { // errors.push("SQL Error retrieving type name: " + sqle); // } finally { // JDBCPool.closeResources(connection, statement, results); // } // return name; // } }