sIFR Documentation and FAQ
How to use

Here you'll find how to use sIFR on your website. If you are wondering about interacting with the JavaScript, please see Javascript Implementation.

Designing your site

Design your site as normal, and make sure your headlines are styled with CSS. Users who do not have the Flash player or have Javascript disabled will see these CSS-styled headlines, so it is important to get things looking the way you want before beginning to add sIFR.

What you should use sIFR for

sIFR is intended for headlines. While it is possible to use sIFR to replace other elements, such as paragraphs or list items, this is not recommended. Please also be careful with replacing links: browsers treat links in Flash movies differently than normal HTML links, so you may hurt usability if you use sIFR to replace links.

Exporting the Flash file

The second step is to export the Flash (.swf) file that will generate your new typeface.

To begin with, ensure that both the (see Protecting Commercial Fonts) and files are in the same folder as the sifr.fla file. You do not need to upload any of these three files to your server, but they must all be in the same folder when you export your .swf file.

To export your new typeface, open the sifr.fla file which is included with the download, and double-click the invisible textbox in the middle of the stage. If the "Properties" palette is not already visible, open it by selecting "Window > Properties", and select which font you'd like to use from the drop down menu. If you select a TrueType font, you can also create bold and italic styles for your font by clicking on the "I" or "B" buttons.

To export the new file, choose "File > Export" and save as fontname.swf

The standard sifr.fla file contains most of the English characters you will generally need. If you need to embed additional characters or languages, click the "Character" button and select more characters from there and re-export.

Applying CSS print styles

Copy and paste (or even better: learn and apply) the CSS rules found in the sIFR-print.css file to your own print style sheet. These ensure that your original headline styling will be printed, rather than the Flash replacements.

Applying CSS screen styles

Apply the styles in the sIFR-screen.css file into your own screen style sheet. These are the styles which will be applied by the Javascript if Flash is found to be present on the user's browser.

Including the magic Javascript

You must call the sifr.js script on any page that will be replacing headlines. The following line in the <head> should do the trick:

<script src="sifr.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Configuring sIFR

There are some settings you can change which alter the behaviour of sIFR. These settings are all booleans, which means they can be true or false. Here they are:

An example of how you configure these settings:

if(typeof sIFR == "function"){
    sIFR.bHideBrowserText = false;
    sIFR.bFixFragIdBug = false; // not recommended!

If you want to enable/disable sIFR for a specific browser, you can use the UA object as described below and you'll have to edit the following code in sifr.js:

if(typeof sIFR == "function" && !sIFR.UA.bIsIEMac){

In this example sIFR is disabled for IE/Mac. Remove the && !sIFR.UA.bIsIEMac part to enable it again. You can also add other browsers here.

Adding replace statements

This step involves adding the (JavaScript) replace statements into the mix. These are the heart and soul of the script and are used to ensure the correct headlines are replaced, and in the way you want. They can be added in the sifr.js file, or at the end of your (X)HTML file.

If you put the replace statements in the JavaScript file, they'll be executed on onload or when you call sIFR(). If you put the replace statements in the body, they'll be executed immediately.

Effectively, this means that you could put the replacement code in the JavaScript and call sIFR() in the body. It won't make any difference.

The reason there are two methods to replace elements in sIFR is that the onload event is only fired when the page has fully loaded - including all images and other external files. This can take much longer than the actual rendering of the page, so replacing inside the body will make the replacement begin earlier, and thus sIFR looks to render faster.

To save bandwidth you can put the replace statements in the JavaScript file, and then call sIFR() in the body. The exact code you have to use in the body in this case is:

<script type="text/javascript">

if(typeof sIFR == "function"){

You can find more info in Where to Replace.

Replacement Syntax

To replace the fonts you call sIFR.replaceElement. This method takes the following arguments, in this specific order:

You are advised to use named arguments instead of placing the arguments in the correct order. Here's an example:

if(typeof sIFR == "function"){
    sIFR.replaceElement("h1", named({sFlashSrc: "./vandenkeere.swf", sColor: "#000", sCase: "upper"}));

Read the named arguments article for more information.

Tuning your fonts

The final step in implementing sIFR is to "tune" your fonts. As explained in "What is sIFR" sIFR works by measuring the size of the element you are replacing, and then generating the Flash text at a size that matches it. This is a fairly straightforward process, however, when, for example, your sIFR font has a different character width or letter spacing than the font used on the website, the scaling can cause the sIFR text to look really awkward. This can be solved by changing the size of the elements just before they are replaced.

When sIFR detects the right Flash version it sets a CSS class on the html element. Now, let's say you are only replacing h1's. If you want to create a specific style for those elements to change their sizes, you have use the following CSS rule:

.sIFR-hasFlash h1 {
    visibility: hidden;
    /* other CSS properties go here */

This is what we will call your decoy style. It will never be seen by users (because of visibility: hidden) but it will fine-tune the text a split-second before it is replaced.

In order to fine-tune the text you need to play around with the font-size, letter-spacing, line-height and height CSS properties.

You can use the debug method to prepare your page for fine-tuning. In the sifr.js file comment out the sIFR.setup() line and add sIFR.debug():

if(typeof sIFR == "function"){


if(typeof sIFR == "function"){
    // sIFR.setup();

With sIFR in debugging mode and the decoy styles working you can start tweaking the sizes. If you can't match it exactly, make the browser text a bit narrower than the sIFR text. You will want to also comment out the visibility: hidden; property.

If you want to test your changes you can run the following code in the address bar:


Here's a handy bookmarklet you can use: sIFR: Replace now. Add it to your favorites and run it to see the elements being replaced.

When you're done restore the sifr.js file so sIFR.setup() is called again and enable visibility: hidden; again.

Helpful tips to keep in mind while tuning your fonts:

Dealing with FlashBlock

The FlashBlock extension for Mozilla browsers will show the alternate text instead of the Flash headlines. This means you'll have to style span.sIFR-alternate to override the decoy styles. You can test this by installing FlashBlock, or by installing Greasemonkey and the sIFR Tools script. Now, if you go to Tools > User Script Commands > sIFR - Act like FlashBlock you'll see the alternate text as FlashbBlock users see it.

Marvelling at your beautiful headlines

This is absolutely the easiest and most enjoyable step involved with sIFR. Mark Wubben is known to view all new entries on just because of their use of sIFR.